Sunday 2 August 2015

Welcome to Dating Blog

You may want to know whose advice you read before you take some of them seriously.
First of all, I am a man, I'm not a Casanova or a womanizer, but I came out already
with a lot of women have gained the necessary experience. The information on
this page fit for both men and women. The emphasis is on men but surely.
For me, dating was something very important. I have not really fallen. I had to work
very hard to get where I am today. It is my definite conviction that one can learn dating.
If you want to improve your dating skills, you are dead right. I have the trip you take now,
already been made: dating newbie to dating guru. Most of my current appointments was
very successful and if they do not, it was likely as not to me. So welcome to
this Siete and I hope I help you with your dating life is something!
Catch the best of it, read the article "The First Date."
If you master this, you will be destined for "Tips for First Dates" and
"interested in dating rules."
If you have ascended to dating professional and have lots of appointments,
you should inform yourself about what's important to note when you
"go out simultaneously with several people."

Dating rules

Let us discuss a few dating rules. These rules are obviously not set in stone,
but they can generally be beneficial. The rules are particularly interesting for those new
to the dating world and will help you to survive the first date.
1 Let's take it easy, no complicated arrangements. That means no dinner by candlelight,
no flowers, no stopping and no excessive door somber conversations about the future.
Just be two people who have fun together. Nothing more, nothing less.
2 Keep a back door open. This is especially important if you meet someone you
have met online. Are you planning a first date always so that you can leave it at any time
if it is running very poorly. Meet for a drink or a coffee and prepare it so much so that
the other person know that you only have one hour to the next appointment. Such "events"
can still "magically" disappear when you get on well.
3 Keep your schedule flexible. One of the biggest mistakes in newcomers, the planning of
the conspiracy to take too well. A date is not a class outing. You do not need to know at
every moment what would happen the next moment. Relax, let yourself go and you do not plan
too much. You can get quiet before a few thoughts, but you can run the evening, as he runs.
4th Do not go to the movies. Movies are not really for first appointments. They are not really bad.
If you are extremely shy, it may even be beneficial to spend two hours with someone
without having to talk to. However, I would at the first meeting, if possible, refrain from
the cinema.
5th No dinner for the first time the same as with the cinema, but for another reason.
Ironically, many people believe, the first meeting should be a movie and dinner.
This is just awful! Food is too serious and too personal. To eat with someone whom you barely know,
is unpleasant. Stand out this for later on. At the first appointment, you'd better have a drink.
6th Not overdo it with your wardrobe! Appointments should not be as serious, but fun.
A person's clothing has a major influence on their personality. If someone is dressed very poorly,
 he usually has no self confidence. Extremely well-dressed people often seem arrogant.
Put on just adequate. That means casual, relaxed, but appealing.
7th Humor, humor, humor! The importance of humor when an appointment can not be overemphasized.
People like to spend time with other people who make them laugh. You can look completely average.
If you have a cheerful nature, you will be more popular than any supermodel.
8th No talks on the former or, okay?
9th No big words, please! Do not come to your appointment with an arsenal of cool sayings that
you have read in some silly magazine. That is always lame and transparent. Just relax and be
as you are. If you do not like the others for your own sake, then so be it and you do not have to
keep your time to disappear.
10th Use the name of the other. People like to hear their own name. So instead of saying,
"You are indeed quite a daredevil," say they prefer ". So Catherine, you're quite a daredevil,
" You may, however, do not overdo it. When I started even with the dating, I once told a girl,
she found me strange because I've always said your name. That was embarrassing!
11th Build on others. Pull it down or never. This can be complicated. You should not build
the other by sucking up to. For this you can not expect respect. Give her his opponent just felt
a great person. The best way to achieve this, you give to him or "I am so with you."
You are great, the other is too great, since he or she is with you.
12th No other girls or guys look behind!
13th Treat waiters and bartenders generous, even if you feel they were overpaid and easily
replaced (which is also true). The way you treat people in the service industry,
says a lot about you as a person. Give good tips, please be kind.
Do not expect too much from them and not treat them unfavorably.
14th They do not complain. Point. You complain about absolutely nothing.
People complain they're not particularly popular. The only allowable exception is
for someone else to complain: "What your friend did was not fair to you."
15th Do not expect anything. The fact that someone agreed with you, is not an invitation to sex.
The other person owes you nothing, and vice versa. Just enjoy the moment. That is enough.

The first date

Probably the most stressful part in dating it is to find a date at all. The fear of
rejection makes asking for a date, often a test of nerves. Thankfully,
modern technology offers ways to reduce the fear of rejection or avoid altogether.
Here are some tips for arranging an appointment:
1 Do not make it too complicated and just be yourself asking someone out on a date,
does not need to be insanely great thing. You do not have to stand for hours in
front of the mirror and rehearse your text. Move forward in increments.
Ask them to call the phone number of the other, a couple of times,
or replace a couple of SMS messages. Get in touch with an idea for going out and
ask others if they want or they go along. The whole thing is not scary when you leave it out.
2 Use online dating services. I'm personally not a big fan of Internet dating.
I prefer to meet other people in the "real world" and have also gained the impression
that people use online dating sites, usually a little below the level of
the ideal entertainment partner. However, we can not deny that online dating is a
very efficient way for an appointment. Whole books could be written only
on successful Internet dating. I will not discuss in this article specifically on it,
but basically it makes sense to send an e-mail (BTW: This wink smileys are lame).
Say what funny, write each other a few times and if you feel you are interested,
please ask for a date. The fear of rejection is the online dating almost completely left out,
so you do not talk too long about the bush. If there is even the slightest signs of arcing,
and do not be afraid to hit you.
3 Turn your friends into dates. If you are a friendly person who knows many other people to
develop Dates mostly all by itself, this is probably the easiest way to get a date. Be friendly,
approachable and take things with other people. The chances are good that you meet someone and
become the date in a natural way.
4th Make use of SMS. I love everything about text messages. They are the perfect dating tool.
When you meet someone, you do not like asking for a Date. Just ask for the phone number.
Do you have the time, you can flirt via text message. Text is such a wonderfully innocuous
form of communication. It is normal that each of the others an hour or two later,
responding to a message. All the pressure and the intensity fall off of one. In addition,
one can estimate the interest of another person, without jeopardizing his own ego too much.
Text is simply a nice, personal way to flirt with someone. Once a relationship is established,
ask the others to meet with you for a drink.
5th Try your dating skills not to colleagues. It can be very tempting to ensnare colleagues.
Finally, you are always with them together. As logical as this may seem too romantic
relationships with colleagues usually end in absolute chaos. You can shake any professionalism
that you have built up in the core or even ruin. Rumors and innuendo of the dear colleagues at
the two lovebirds can be very damaging. Also, you would after a successful date,
and then the resulting relationship is no longer break from your partner.
Even if you idolize someone, you should maintain a certain minimum distance in daily life.

Going out with several people

If you get seriously into the "dating market", you will be traveling with quite
a few people here and there may well be some overlap. Some may find this objectionable,
but I do not think that there are fundamental ethical objections to this practice.
In life some people it is very useful to maintain multiple superficial relationships, as deep.
There's nothing wrong with that.
However, the dating can be a problem with several people. I feel very strongly for
the people with whom I go out. Even if I'm not really into them, I still have high respect for
them as a person and will do anything that might hurt their feelings. And right there lies
the problem. Here are some things you should be aware when you go out with several people:
Do not talk about others
I never talk to the person with whom I have just composed, by another person with whom I go out.
From the perspective of my particular dates, they are the only person I meet. Do not get me wrong.
I would not incite to lie. If I were to ask one of the persons with whom I go out,
how many other people in the meet, I would say that I do not think this conversation particularly
effective. If they would insist on an answer, I would tell her the truth.
When dating, it's about two people that enjoy the company of others and show their affection for
each other. These special feelings you can not teach if they are constantly talking about another
person and then look through even make it this is not just an ordinary friendship.
Women are particularly bad in this respect. Please, dear ladies! We do not want to hear from
other men when we go out with you. If you go out with someone, then you give him or
her 100 percent of your affection and attention.
Take notes
It sounds a bit strange, but I'm happy to note the people with whom I go out.
I write on where they come from, what they do for a living, what things they like or funny
things that we talked about. After every appointment I make a few notes on this meeting,
and keep at it. Should I go out again with the same person, I watch a few minutes before I
losgehe at my notes. This method helps me to get into the mood, so my date is given full
attention. You must not write detailed essays. A few specific key points should be enough to get
the person to recall.
Set mute your phone
When I go out I put my phone on "vibrate only". The same thing I propose to you also,
even if you go out with currently only one person. If your phone constantly during
the appointment makes noise, it can completely destroy your mood or your date's
confidence (in you). I only watch it on my phone when the other person goes to the toilet or
for other reasons I'm alone for a moment.
Keep your bedroom clean
If an appointment ends in your bedroom, you should ensure that no traces indicate other
individuals with whom you go out. Before you go out, you should condom packaging,
long blonde hair and similar in principle to remove and clean up. I can assure you that no
one even intimate nascent meeting ended as abruptly as the discovery of an empty condom wrapper in the trash.

Tips for First Date

First dates can be pretty scary. Finally, you are a representative of the opposite sex,
the subject you know nothing or almost nothing, for a long time. I personally think
the first date is always nice. The experience you have with each person only once this respect,
it is something special, even if it never anything serious. The "discovery phase" of
a relationship is the most exciting time. And on the first date there discover a great deal.
Here are a few pointers that may help you are on a first date.
Show your sense of humor
The best way to break the ice, which normally is present at every first meeting, is humor.
This is not a time for seriousness. They hardly know each other. Get loose and you get others to
laugh, even if you take it yourself for a ride.
Go to different places
When the first meeting anlässt well, you beat calmly before a change of scenery.
Proven to feel more people attracted to each other if they had been together in various places
such as bars, shops, clubs etc..
Have you always resonate some sex
Sometimes, on a first date is a risk that they "only" is the friendship.
Maybe there is some affection, but a real relationship, it is not enough. To prevent this,
you should always bring a little sexual tension into the game. But do not overdo it,
because that could lead to the other uncomfortable. A good tip is to always keep humor.
You can give the date a sexual undertone, but this disguised as harmless humor.

Do not get drunk
While it is advisable to take a first date a drink or two, to be loose. I think both partners
should treat themselves on a first date a couple of cocktails, as many people in this situation
in the fasted state not a very good figure. However, you should not overdo it.
Everything is fine as long as two cocktails are not five or six and make yourself ridiculous.
The chances for a reunion would be quite low.
Do not interview
Probably the biggest mistake that people on a first date goes under, is to ask too many questions
about the other. Relax! It's not about to find within an hour as much as possible about the other
person out. I make sure to ask little as possible and prefer to talk about something funny or
trivial. If the other person says, for example, that they really like the beach,
I'll tell a funny anecdote about how the paparazzi follow me around on the beach ".
Looking good just has certain disadvantages," Do you understand what I mean? Note:
If you look really good, you should not say something better. It sounds arrogant.
For me it works because when I look it is obvious that this is just a joke.
Do not make the first date for dinner
Make another mistake that inexperienced dater, the other person at the first dinner date is
to be executed. Food is something formal and serious. I always stay to take first dates just for
a drink. If things go well and you're both hungry, you can still eat a little later.
Avoid easy to move the food in the heart of their appointment.
Be not the first time for sex from
The first date is not the time to coincide with the door into the house. A quick hug goodbye say
when? Clear. A goodbye kiss? No problem. "Will you come with me?" Probably not a good idea.
I do not mean that you should refuse sex. As the evening moves clearly in that direction,
then you should do the course. But you exert any pressure, because that way the others will
probably never see again.

Internet dating

They have been replaced with someone a long time online and want to finally meet you in person.
As you prepare for this first meeting, what to look for, what you should do in any case,
you learn here.
Online dating not only offers many opportunities but also many risks. So a couple of really
serious dating tips for the first meeting with the potential future life partner.
Meet on neutral ground - in a bar, a restaurant in a park - definitely a lot of people busy and
visible place. On the Internet there are black sheep and chaotic. Tell a friend, a girlfriend,
where you meet. Catch up on any case on the first date in your own home. This is a big risk.
Limit the time for the start of the first date. That is, if you make the first meeting,
then do the same show that only 30 or 60 minutes to spare. If the other turns out to be a disaster,
or boring pain in the ass, you can say goodbye gracefully after a short time.
Announce before the first date, no phone numbers or other contact information (email address).
Enter your anonymity on only if you have taken some confidence to the other - maybe the second
meeting? When you enter your landline number, please remember that everyone can get out
of having your phone number on the Internet and your address. Use e-mail address as a free e-mail
Turn off your cell phone number transfer. To avoid the callee experiencing your mobile
phone number. You want to give up your own number? Not recommended: the private,
fixed line because you can find it on various Internet services your address.
It is best to use a prepaid phone card.
Do not be picked up at home and can not after the date take her home. Do not take the car
the other a piece.
Are you interested in the other. Why? Who interesssiert for others is interesting.
And how do you do that? Quite simply by open-ended questions. These are questions to which you
can not answer with yes or no. Open questions start with How, 'Why?, In what way?, Where?
Through open-ended questions keep a conversation going and make it interesting and rich.
If you want to learn to entertain themselves at ease, then the counselor is only a first step,
heart to the right place for you.
Confidence is extremely important. With a good self-confidence to act on other attractive and
interesting. If you behave like a little gray mouse, then you should not be surprised if others
see you as the little gray mouse and turn away.
If you generally lacking in confidence and think little of themselves, then the counselor is
This win-win you more confidence highly recommended.
What should a first date talk not: Talk to the first meeting never know when you feel lonely and
unhappy. Also failed relationships, problems with the ex or the ex is flirting killer.
Such topics gymnastics from most people. The first date is not finally overcome the past and
the processing of disappointments.
Are absolutely taboo topics such as politics, money, and sexual issues - women love,
remember - fertility. When you see the man on the first date of you on the subject of
children speak to them, then that was probably the first and last meeting with this man
Give out at the first meeting not all of himself. This is a kind of precaution that your
protection is also a psychological strategy. So say not concrete, in which employer you work for,
the industry is completely sufficient (or do you know that your acquaintance will surprise you
after work in front of your office?) If you have one or the other in the dark,
then the mystery have that makes you interesting. Just as likely your counterpart at
the first meeting, all his socks are cheap, you should not do it.
Do not be fooled by appearances. Cars can be leased and expensive designer suits can
be bought on credit, the Rolex on the arm can be a deceptively real-looking replica, and, and ...
Take your time getting to know each other. Listen to him to encourage him to talk about
themselves and see whether the way, as he says and what he says, is consistent and you like it.
Talk as possible before the first meeting by telephone at the other. Why? Because the voice of
a man very much can be said about him or because you feel often been at the way the other speaks,
can decide whether you want to meet him. This only works if the other gives you his number or
give up your anonymity and tell the other your number. (See above)
Topics that are taboo on the first date: infertility (male turns her off rather than on),
or the explosion of personal problems, complaints about their own personal, financial,
family or professional situation.
What should be the Prince Charming or the dream girl?
The more accurate you should have an idea of ??your future partner should be like,
what properties, interests and values ??he has, the better the chances of finding
the right people to find partners. It is therefore important that you understand your
expectations clear. The single test will help you.


Romance is at the heart of any dating experience. If you don't consider yourself romantic then you are wrong. I don't know of anyone on this planet who doesn't have the ability to fall in love. Therefore if you can fall in love, you can be romantic too. Romance is not in the grand gestures , it is in the small details. Women will often say that it is the small things that matter. The small gestures but it is down to both men and women to start being romantic. It is a two-way process and both parties get an immense amount of pleasure from showing they care about someone. Yes we would all love to have a romantic picnic on a deserted Caribbean beach with the person of our dreams but romance begins closer to home with tips such as these:
Understand what romance means and why it is important and learn what romantic aspects there are to your own character. No one has a heart made of stone, however tough their exterior.
Understand that romance is not the sole domain of women and that men who are romantic are far more successful when dating
Romance has nothing whatsoever to do with masculinity. In fact, being romantic can enhance your masculinity and reputation with girls.
Not all women are naturally romantic either but that doesn't have to be the case.
The key to being romantic is thoughtfulness. So start being a little less thoughtless and selfish.
Communicate with your partner on every level and anticipate their desires and needs.
Look at your partner when they are talking and hold their gaze
Learn that mood, location, situation and ambience can heighten romance with dramatic effect
Phone just to say hello, I love you and surprise your partner
Learn to say, I love you and mean it. Don't say it ever, if you don't mean it
Send them notes and small cards telling them you are thinking of them
Be spontaneous and do little deeds that show you are thinking about them
Start going for walks together, whatever the weather
Put your partner first, particularly as a surprise with a spontaneous trip away
Think creatively and plan a surprise weekend away
Buy flowers any time of the year, nice ones not just roses
Remember birthdays, anniversaries and landmark days such as the day you first met and plan something
Listen to the clues your partner gives you, such as things they like and books they read and buy little gifts
Keep being romantic. In a good relationship, romance never ends
Compromise. Putting yourself first is not romantic.
Write him/her a letter and let them know that you love them and you mean it. People send far few letters these days. Use good quality stationery too.
Watch romantic movies together and invest quality time doing the things you share and both enjoy
Make cards rather than buying them. It shows thought and inspiration.
Take your partner on a picnic to the park or beach and prepare in advance without involving them. Initiative illustrates romance nicely
Don't be a cold fish. Learn how to hug, cuddle and make physical contact. Touching without sex is far more romantic but don't always hug without kissing!
Kiss your date and learn to appreciate the finer qualities of kissing for its own sake
Dance together when the occasion arises and show them special attention
Hold hands and do anything make your partner feel close to you
Hold and hug your partner in bed, especially after sex
Talk chat and converse about anything and everything
Allow your partner to breathe and do separate things to heighten the sense of romance when you are together
If you don't cook dinner for your date, start learning my friend. A surprise dinner with candles is romantic
Buy small gifts spontaneously that show great thought in what they enjoy. But not too many otherwise it has the opposite effect
Remember that romance is often about giving of yourself, even if it is simply your precious time when you could have had other plans. Making your partner a priority is vital
Do things that make you both laugh. Laughter and romance go hand in hand
Remember that romance is in the small details and does not need to be expensive in any way. I'd rather receive a handmade card any day than an expensive gift
Anticipate your partner's wishes and desires to show them you are listening to them and that you care
Expect rightfully that romance is a two-way process though the romance you provide is simply giving of yourself.